Dashboard - Employer
Dashboard - WDB Labor
Market - Business
Materials - Documents
- Success
Stories - Youth
This dashboard displays information on the services rendered, participants served, and outcomes achieved through the state's Workforce Development Boards.
Posted below are brochures and flyers outlining the various Employer Business Services programs available in North Carolina.
Resume Builder
The Best Free Online Resume Builder:
NCWorks IWT Rack Card
NCWorks On the Job Training Rack Card
NCWorks On the Job Training Rack Card
NCWorks Training Solutions Rack Card
NCWorks Training Solutions Rack Card
NCWorks Business Services Programs and Incentives
NCWorks Business Services Programs and Incentives
Overview of Business Services Grants and Programs
Business Services Grants and Programs
NCWorks Agricultural Services
Agricultural Services for Employees - English
Agricultural Services for Employers - English
COVID-19 Agriculture Resource Information Guide - English
Agricultural Services for Employees - Spanish
COVID-19 Agriculture Resource Information Guide - Spanish
NCWorks WARN Rack Card
NCWorks Business Edge Booklet & Rack Card
Rapid Response Best Practices Guide (For Internal Use Only)
Rapid Response Best Practices Guide (For Internal Use Only)
NCWorks WOTC Booklet & Rack Card
Select a Workforce Board to view Labor Market Summary.
These documents are available to help educate the public on work of all Boards, and as resources to local Boards to share and utilize as tools.
Youth Report PY23
This document serves as a comprehensive overview and assessment of the initiatives, progress, and impact of workforce development programs specifically tailored to empower and equip the youth with the necessary skills and opportunities for a prosperous future. In the following pages, we delve into a detailed analysis of our efforts, achievements, challenges, and future strategies aimed at fostering a robust and dynamic workforce prepared to thrive in the evolving landscape of the professional world. Our commitment to nurturing and uplifting the youth remains steadfast, guided by the belief that investing in their potential is a fundamental building block for a vibrant and sustainable economy.
WDB Directors Understanding Strategic Leadership
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from a qualified facilitator who can develop and deliver training to support directors in understanding Workforce Development Board Strategic leadership to include creative problem-solving skills, strategic vision, and C-level management (such as transactional, transformational, and charismatic.)
Download Strategic Leadership RFP (PDF)
NCAWDB Ambassador Program June 2024
As part of an overall goal to educate and engage priority audiences regarding the purpose, value, and role of the workforce development boards, the North Carolina Association of Workforce Development Boards (NCAWDB) adopted a formal plan based on documents created by Advocacy & Community Solutions, LLC (ACS) on behalf of the Centralina, Charlotte Works and Gaston Workforce Development Boards for helping board members become effective spokespersons and ambassadors. Existing board members represent various sectors of the community and this is an opportunity to leverage their knowledge and networks to advance workforce development boards as a go-to resource.
Procurement and Contracting RFP
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from a qualified facilitator who can develop and deliver training to support directors in understanding all facets of procurement and contracting under WIOA, specifically, in North Carolina. This training should include all federal and state requirements for accountability to ensure procedural compliance for procurement and contracting.
Procurement and Contracting RFP
2024-26 Strategic Plan
The 2024-2026 Strategic Plan outlines the Associations goals and strategies for the 2 year period. For the three goals, strategies and success indicators are outlined for each.
Youth Program Report PY22
This document serves as a comprehensive overview and assessment of the initiatives, progress, and impact of workforce development programs specifically tailored to empower and equip the youth with the necessary skills and opportunities for a prosperous future. In the following pages, we delve into a detailed analysis of our efforts, achievements, challenges, and future strategies aimed at fostering a robust and dynamic workforce prepared to thrive in the evolving landscape of the professional world. Our commitment to nurturing and uplifting the youth remains steadfast, guided by the belief that investing in their potential is a fundamental building block for a vibrant and sustainable economy.
2021 NC Programs Fact Sheet
Workforce Development Boards across North Carolina are the local organizations that implement the federal workforce program called the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA). These programs help North Carolina citizens find needed jobs, build careers, and increase their work skills through training and education. In addition, they engage in strong employer outreach through use of its business service representatives and team efforts. This fact sheet shows the outcomes of the PY21 programs and business engagement.
PY2021 NextGen Youth Report
PY2020 NextGen Youth Report
2021-2023 Goals and Strategies
PY2019 Youth Report
The NextGen NCWorks Youth report for Program Year 2019 combines all 23 NC Workforce Boards into one single report and includes the following: Fiscal Year program activities, objectives and accomplishments; Fiscal Year itemized expenditures and fund source for each of the 23 local Workforce Development Boards, and combined for a state-wide report; List of grant recipients and the amount of funds received by the grant recipients. Workforce development provides opportunities to connect, train and educate residents for careers that help businesses and our economy to thrive. Youth and young adults’ exposure to these opportunities are critical to the talent pipeline needed for a strong economy. North Carolina’s 23 workforce development boards continue to incorporate new strategies to remove roadblocks and engage young adults ages 16 to 24 who face barriers to employment.
North Carolina Workforce Development Board Map
NC Association Of Workforce Development Boards, Inc. Bylaws
2018 NCAWDB Fact Sheet
The twenty-three Workforce Development Boards across North Carolina are the local organizations that implement the federal workforce program called the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Acts (WIOA). These programs help North Carolina citizens find needed jobs, build careers, and increase their work skills through training and education. In addition, they engage in strong employer outreach through use of its business service representatives and team efforts.
NCAWDB Board Brochure
The North Carolina Association of Workforce Development Boards (NCAWDB) is the voice for workforce development in North Carolina. Comprised of 22 local workforce boards with over 500 members, the Association is dedicated to enhancing North Carolina’s workforce by supporting local workforce development boards statewide. Association members are led by private sector businesses and employers, which make up over 51% of the membership. These local workforce development boards, along with partners through NCWorks, help advance the needs of workers and employers in North Carolina.
WIOA NextGen Activity Overview
The NCAWDB NextGen Activity Overview brochure includes an infographic that highlights the statistics of the WIOA NextGen Program. These statistics were taken from all 23 Workforce Development Boards.
PY18 NextGen Youth Report
The NEXTGEN NCWorks Youth report for Program Year 2018 combines all 23 NC Workforce Boards into one single report and includes the following: Fiscal Year program activities, objectives and accomplishments; Fiscal Year itemized expenditures and fund source for each of the 23 local Workforce Development Boards, and combined for a state-wide report; List of grant recipients and the amount of funds received by the grant recipients. Workforce development provides opportunities to connect, train and educate residents for careers that help businesses and our economy to thrive. Youth and young adults’ exposure to these opportunities are critical to the talent pipeline needed for a strong economy. North Carolina’s 23 workforce development boards continue to incorporate new strategies to remove roadblocks and engage young adults ages 16 to 24 who face barriers to employment.
Advocacy Toolkit
The association is in a unique position to serve as an advocate for our workforce members that have made North Carolina an important participant in a global marketplace. Through our membership, we possess a valuable assist with our employer-led boards and an uncommon level of expertise in a wide range of industries. We as an association understand the implications of world events, advancements in technology, and strategies that keep our workforce system competitive. The Advocacy Toolkit is comprised of four documents designed to help local Boards achieve their local, statewide, and federal advocacy needs.
Download Board Ambassador Plan
Download Frequently Asked Questions
Workforce Board Directors Manual (Nov. 2017)
This 93-page Directors Manual is a comprehensive manual designed to help each local Workforce Development Board Executive Director with their role, the Board’s role, and the multitude of resources needed to manage day-to-day activities of local Boards.
2018-2020 NCAWDB Strategic Plan
The 2018-2020 Strategic Plan outlines the Associations goals and strategies for the 2 year period. For the four goals, strategies and success indicators are outlined for each.
PY 2017 Youth Program (NextGen) Report
The NEXTGEN NCWorks Youth report for Program Year 2017 combines all 23 NC Workforce Boards into one single report and includes the following:
Fiscal Year program activities, objectives and accomplishments; Fiscal Year itemized expenditures and fund source for each of the 23 local Workforce Development Boards, and combined for a state-wide report; List of grant recipients and the amount of funds received by the grant recipients.
Workforce development provides opportunities to connect, train and educate residents for careers that help businesses and our economy to thrive. Youth and young adults’ exposure to these opportunities are critical to the talent pipeline needed for a strong economy. North Carolina’s 23 workforce development boards continue to incorporate new strategies to remove roadblocks and engage young adults ages 16 to 24 who face barriers to employment.
2018 Employer Needs Survey
The 2018 Employer Needs Survey, carried out by the Labor and Economic Analysis Division (LEAD) of the North Carolina Department of Commerce on behalf of the NCWorks Commission, asked over 2,000 business establishments about their hiring practices, with emphasis on hiring difficulties and workforce needs. In addition to an Overall sample of all industries, we surveyed Manufacturers and a set of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics-related industries (STEM). The survey also looked at several labor markets of differing sizes, recognizing that employers may have distinct needs depending on the size of the available labor force. The survey also examined difficulties hiring workers for positions requiring different levels of experience: entry-level (less than 1 year of experience), mid-level (2-4 years) and senior-level (5 years or greater).
While best practices help businesses achieve greater goals, they often fulfill a higher purpose: helping people become more successful. Our workforce board members are proud to have helped play even a small role in helping make dreams come true for so many people from North Carolina. These are the best of best practices.
Success Stories
Retired Veteran Gets New Job with Assistance from NCWorks Career Center-Lincoln Staff
Success Stories
NCWorks Career Center-Rowan Staff Encourages Customer to "Keep Her Eye on the Prize"
NCWorks NextGen assists tomorrow’s leaders plan, prepare, and launch a career into the field of their dreams. Each Workforce Development Board helps remove many of the barriers some of our youth experience and start them on the path to career success.
This dashboard displays information on the number of employer establishments receiving WIOA core program services in various categories.
Effectiveness in Serving Employers
Employer Services | PY2021 Count | PY2022 Count | PY2023 Count |
Employer Information and Support Services | 17,564 | 16,984 | 15,543 |
Work Recruitment Assistance | 26,862 | 22,360 | 18,310 |
Engaged in Strategic Planning/Economic Development | 84 | 217 | 299 |
Accessing Untapped Labor Pools | 3,853 | 3,906 | 550 |
Training Services | 667 | 455 | 290 |
Incumbent Worker Training Services | 236 | 124 | 182 |
Rapid Response/Business Downsizing Assistance | 27 | 82 | 75 |
Planning Layoff Response | 16 | 30 | 77 |
WIOA Effectiveness in Serving Employers Data Elements | PY2021 Rate | PY2022 Rate | PY2023 Rate |
Employer Penetration Rate | 10.7% | 8.2% | 7.0% |
Repeat Business Customer Rate | 32.4% | 25.1% | 27.0% |