Raleigh, NC – Andrea DeSantis, Ph.D. (left) has been appointed as the next Assistant Secretary for the Division of Workforce Solutions (DWS) within the North Carolina Department of Commerce. This announcement was made by Commerce Secretary Machelle Baker Sanders. DeSantis, who previously served as a Policy Advisor for Governor Roy Cooper, brings extensive experience in workforce development and higher education to her new role. She will succeed Chet Mottershead (right), the current Assistant Secretary, who is retiring after a 30-year career in public service. DeSantis aims to continue strengthening partnerships with local workforce development boards to ensure North Carolinians, especially those facing barriers to employment, receive necessary services and training. Her appointment is effective April 3rd.
The Division of Workforce Solutions focuses on connecting North Carolinians with quality jobs. This also includes administering workforce development programs specifically designed to assist adults, veterans, youth, and others. One of these programs involve maintaining NCWorks Online which is the official job-search portal for North Carolina.
To read the official press release from the North Carolina Department of Commerce, please follow this link: Andrea DeSantis named Assistant Secretary of Commerce for N.C. Division of Workforce Solutions | NC Commerce